Apr 7, 2011

Earth quake in Japan

The area Odaka seems frozen in time, when abandoned after the tsunami nearly a month ago. The doors were opened and left in limbo, bicycles were abandoned. lone taxi sits in front of the train station. Mud-caked dog to roam the deserted streets, their cawing crows barking and the only sounds.

Many homes and businesses in the escaped serious damage from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, but their owners were not allowed back because of fears about radiation from a near by nuclear power plant crippled by mass.

Some of them returned so, arguing that he must get his own life.

"It's amazing here, " said Masahiko Sakamoto, 59, who takes truck with two other workers on Thursday in their company's parking lot."Everyone has gone. I think the number of people who have stayed just about zero. Some people come back in the day. But it's too scary at night. "

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