Apr 7, 2011

Anna Hazare's fast death against corruption

Anna Hazare's fast unto death against corruption

Rapid death of Anna Hazar is to fight corruption has entered the fourth day on Friday as the deadlock between supporters of chance, and the government continues over who will head the panel to redraft Jan Lokpal Bill.
Activist Swami Agnivesh meeting of Cabinet Minister Kapil Sibalat his residence on Friday to end trouble.
NAC President Sonia Gandhi also appealed to Anna to leave quickly, but the 73-year-old activist is convinced that the government introduce Lokpal Bill at the earliest. "Sonia is are ference only a verbal appeal. We should get something in writing and should not be in time," Anna said.
People from all walks of life in cities and towns, went to Anna'scrusade against corruption.
The government has started negotiations with supporters AnnaHazar on Thursday, but after two meetings, the talks hit a deadlock.The government agreed to establish a joint committee to developan effective Lokpal Bill, but there was no consensus, who will head up, and whether it should be notified.
From Delhi to Jammu to Calcutta to Bombay, Anna wave grippedthe nation and the government is trying to survive the storm.

So, Kapil Sibal has opened the door to negotiations with SwamiAgnivesh and Arvind Kejriwal - discussed and agreed on manyissues, but agreed to disagree on two key issues.
Sibal met a veteran social activist and Gandhian Anna Hazarsupporters - Swami Agnivesh and Arvind Kejriwal - twice on Thursday to resolve the issues. But both sides did not reachconsensus on a formal notification of the Joint Committee and whoshall be chairman of the committee.
The government agreed to the 1950-1950 representation within the Joint Committee, but wanted to be informal. Although I was ready toissue a letter to announce the activists wanted Lokpal notification
But the bigger issue is who is the head. While the government willPranab Mukherjee, and even a retired judge, activists like AnnaHazar.
"The movement wants him to be President. Hazar Anna wanted a retired Supreme Court judge, to be chairman. When I announced that civil society would be the chairman of chance. Our movement will continue till the government agrees to our demands," said Kejriwal.
"We had two rounds of talks. We agreed on almost all issues, but there is no agreement on two issues that seem official notificationto the creation of committees and as chairman of chance, " Sibalsaid.
"That's why they need more time and meet again tomorrow andsee we can develop a procedure with which we can move forward," he added.
"Timing is not a big problem. We also want the bill becomes immediately. Do not agree to Anna Hazar as Chairman. civil society wants to be President, Anna Hazar. We will meet tomorrow(Friday) morning. We talked and addressed issues, only two unresolved issues were not resolved, "said Sibal.
Government sources say that they consent to the application wouldset a bad precedent, as the management could be held to ransomactivist pressure, and may be difficult for some ministers to reportHazar as head of the Joint Committee.
There will be another round of meetings on Friday. What isimportant for the Government to break the fast Hazar. more lives in the fast, the more embarrassing for politicians doing.
"They do not know the meaning of democracy. The people aresovereign and ministers are the servants. People have a right toquestion where their treasure is stolen, "says Anna Hazar.
On three of his hunger strike Anna Hazar rejected an informal offer of the government committee and promised not to end his protestto the demands were not met.
"I will fight to the death, "said the solution to hundreds of supportersgathered near the Jantar Mantar after word spread that the talksbetween the government and the Anti-corruption activists have been at an impasse.

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