Apr 15, 2011

Sri Sathya Sai Baba : Health Condition


The health status of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is constantly monitored by the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust in light of the medical bulletins issued by the Director of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, since its admission to the hospital on March 28, 2011. For several days, his condition was a cause for concern.

At last check, like today, doctors attending on him did not express confidence that he is in stable condition and responds satisfactorily to the treatment given to him by team doctors, albeit a bit slower. They believe that if progress continues to be stable and satisfactory, as now, it might be possible to transfer it to the hospital to ...
Trustees are pleased to note the surge of spontaneous prayers, bhajans, namasmarana, candle light processions millions of admirers around the world in its very early recovery and wholeness. Radio Sai, through Musings, news and e-mails from around  the world due to continuous articulation. As Bhagavan has repeatedly said many times, it's only the sincere prayers of his devotees, he can heal him. Trustees consider it their sacred duty to appeal to all devotees to stay calm and keep their prayers to Bhagavan restore to normal health in a very early date.

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