Mar 19, 2011

Prakash Raj Became Dash!

In one of the many cinemas that he did, actor Prakashraj said a dialogue „the Magadu kadupu teesukuravali kaani kadupu techchukokudadhu “, which refers to the belly of a man. While this dialogue is meaningful complete, it seems that our man does not seem it off screen to have followed. Apparent this was the discussion in the theatres of the public, as it Prakash Raj in the film `sporty Dongala Mutha'. the equipment of a spindle saw, Prakash showed prosperity, there its belly visibly. Normally known for its Sitzpers5onlichkeit, this form of Prakashraj took many by surprise. Some of them possibly said with an impudent smile, „, which is this after connecting effect for Prakash. Going through its own dialogues, in place of its Mrs. Pony, who receives him, seems Prakashraj, which looks stomach to have and like a pregnant man „.

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