Nov 13, 2009
End of the World 2012: Enjoy the Trailer Video
Nov 3, 2009
Venkatesh’s “Ganga

Art director Thota Tharani desigend a special set with 3 crores in 5 Acre plot for "Ganga" movie near to the chilukuri Balaji temple in the outskirts of Hyderabad.More than 200 members and technicians are working for this set from past one month.Most of the scenes of the film will be shot in this set. The regular shooting of this film will start from October 20.Director of this movie is Amma Rajasekhar.
Udaykiran-Shweta Basu’s film shooting in Pondicherry

Swetha Basu Prasad to sizzle with Uday Kiran

Lover boy Tarun And Three Directors!

2 Crore Set For Mahesh Varudu

2012: What Does This Movie Tell Us About The Apocalyptic Endgame For Planet Earth?

Hollywood is doing it again. This time it’s the terminal endgame for the planet. The blockbuster 2012 will be released in movie theatres on November 12th. The trailer for this movie paints an ominous planetary apocalypse where man’s greatest fear or in some cases denial becomes a final reality.
In much of Judaic-Christian apocalyptic literature as well as inIslamic Hadiths, end time scenarios paint a future of literal cleansing of the earth by fire and desolation. As 2012 highlights the ferocity of devastating earthquakes which creates record-breaking tsunamis coupled with Category 6 hurricanes which push global temperatures into bizarre fluctuations – the planet tether-totters as it writhes in cosmic agony as a pregnant woman in the labor pain of childbirth.
One may argue that predictions of how the world would end have been around for thousands of years. We can read summations of this eschatology based on the opening of the 7 Seals in the book of Revelation where the [4] Horsemen of the Apocalypse dole out patrimony in the form of war, famine, plague and death – consummating with the ultimate “Judgment Day” cosmological show-piece following on its heels.
For Muslims, it is the return of the Madhi and Jesus, son of Mary that will bring the final doomsday where the “Sun Will Rise In The West”and usher in the Golden Age.
In 2006, Mel Gibson’s film Apocalypto, a Greek word meaning “an unveiling and a new beginning” was a forerunner to this new film 2012 and it finds resonance and gels with the Mayan definition of the “Fin de los Tiempos” (END OF TIME) where the next prophesied “b’ak’tun”(GREAT CYCLE) will occur on Friday, December 21, 2012.
What’s remarkable is the portrayal used in this movie which is based on Mayans belief conceptualized in a prophetic idea of the “GREAT CYCLE” – in which Mel Gibson & Co. in Hollywood are using to fan the flames of hyper-reality and sensualization with the release of this apocalyptic movie.
According to Mayan prophecy it is said that the Sun will be in alignment during the winter solstice crossing perfectly the equatorial plane of the Milky Way. Astronomers and cosmologists agree that the Solar System only enters this plane twice during this ‘Great Cycle’ producing this epiphenomenon called a GALACTIC REVOLUTION.
The Mayan Popol Vuh’s (Mayan Bible) prophecy of the “Fin de los Tiempos” is based on the Mayans mathematical as well as astronomical calculations and abilities which were unsurpassed as a civilization, devising probably the most accurate calendars known to man, even more accurate than the modern Gregorian calendar – showing through extremely accurate observations of the sun, the planets, the stars and the Milky Way galaxy, possessing knowledge concerning the “Precession of the Equinoxes“, and as they approached the study of “prophecy” they looked at the periodicity of cycles, especially astronomical ones, and their connection to human events (Carreon 2005).
The Mayan Calendar which was based on a 20 day month with [18] a year, revolving every 20 years, or what is called a “Katun” (generation) – and each 20 “Katuns” was called a “b’ak’tun”, and where [13] of these made a “Great Cycle” (about 5125 of our years). This “Great Cycle” due to end in 2012.
But is this all ancient religious title tattle concerning THE END? Does anyone really know the future for sure? What does this Mayan long count calendar which was a MesoAmerican calendrical system really tell us about religious faith? Are there other possible ways of foretelling how a sequence of events will usher in the doomsday that even seems to fascinate Hollywood? And what do other religious faiths say about the end of the world as we know it? Let’s see what other faiths have to say concerning the end.
For one, traditional Hindu prophecies, as described in the “Puranas” and other Sanskrit texts, warns us that the world will fall into chaos and degradation where perversity, greed and conflict, will be rife as described in the following statement:
“When deceit falsehood, lethargy, sleepiness, violence, despondency, grief, delusion, fear, and poverty prevail … when men, filled with conceit, consider themselves equal with the Brahmins…that is the Kali Yuga.”
Then according to Hindu prophecy will the “AVATAR” come:
“The Lord shall manifest Himself as the Kalki Avatar… He will establish righteousness upon the earth and the minds of the people will become as pure as crystal… As a result, the Sat or Krta Yuga (Golden Age) will be established.”
Like Hindus, Buddhists also believe in a cycle of destruction and creation. Buddha believed his teachings would’ve disappeared after 500 years because it was in man’s nature to follow the ten amoral concepts of theft, violence, murder, lying, evil speaking, adultery, abusive and idle talk, covetousness and ill will, wanton greed, and perverted lust resulting in skyrocketing poverty and the end of the worldly laws of true dharma. A new Buddha called the “Maitreya” will arise to renew the teachings of Buddhism and rediscover the path to Nirvana. Maitreya is believed to currently residing in the Tusita heaven, where he is awaiting his final rebirth in the world.
In Judaic hermeneutic tradition, the end of the world is called the “Acharit Hayamim” (End of Days). Global apocalyptic events will destroy “the old world order” creating “A New Order” in which God is universally recognized as the Ruler over everyone and everything. Sages of the Talmud say: “Let the end of days come, but may I not live to see them”, because they will be filled with so much conflict, suffering and destruction – no eyes would want to see such devastation.
In Zoroastrianism eschatology which some argue is probably the oldest eschatology in recorded history where by 500 BC Zoroastrians had fully developed a concept of the end of the world by a cleansing by fire. According to Zoroastrian philosophy, redacted in the Zand-i Vohuman Yasht:
“At the end of thy [10th] hundredth winter…the sun is more unseen and more spotted; the year, month, and day are shorter; and the earth is more barren; and the crop will not yield the seed; and men … become more deceitful and more given to vile practices. They have no gratitude.”
At the end of the Battle between the righteous and wicked, a Final Judgment of all souls will commence. Sinners will be punished 3 days, but are then forgiven. The world will reach perfection as poverty, old age, disease, thirst, hunger and death are halted. Zoroastrian concepts parallel greatly with those of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic eschatological beliefs, largely due to the influence Zoastrianism exerted on Judaism whilst the Levant was under Achaemenid control and the subsequent emergence of Christianity and Islam from Judaism.
In Native American prophecy it is said that a “great dwelling place” in the heavens shall fall with a great crash to the earth and it appears as a blue star, and the earth will rock to and fro. It is also prophesized that during the end times the earth would be crossed by iron snakes and stone rivers, (i.e. railroads), and the land would be criss-crossed by a giant spider’s web (i.e. freeways), and seas will turn black (i.e. oil spills). Many will die, but those who understand the prophecies shall live in the places of the Hopi* people and be safe.
But what is science saying?
Finally science is also facing up to the serious challenges our planet is undergoing. In a scientific research city in the heart of Siberia, geophysicists are concerned that the solar system is moving into a highly charged interstellar energy cloud and these renowned physicists are trying to make sense of the fact that the earth’s magnetic field is vanishing. Amongst the vast field of data are concerns based on empirical scientific research on solar data; the increasing incidents ofearthquakes and the growing areas of seismic activity; volcanic activity around Mount St. Helens and a myriad of global issues which impact on every inhabitant on the earth. Research at the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory opens a fascinating window on the awesome beauty of planet and many skeptics cannot imagine that this wonderful planet including the heavens around us will one day go into meltdown.
Whatever your belief – these are the facts, the prophecies and the strands of philosophy which provided the necessary ammunition for all of us to make a decisive choices. Again Hollywood seems to be setting the social, moral and spiritual temperature in our world
012 Movie, October 1st, nearly 450 television and cable stations will be airing a new 2-minute preview for the end of the world movie 2012. All at about the same time.
The multi-million dollar promotion is expected to be seen by nearly 110 million. The preview will air on the three major broadcast networks, 89 cable networks, local TV stations in the top 70 markets and Spanish-language networks across the country.
2012 is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors. It will be released in theaters on November 13th.
Adam Lambert’s song “Time For Miracles” is in the movie and soundtrack and is rumored to be heard during this media blitz.
2012 Movie Trailer

Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. 2012 is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors. Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny
Glover , Thandie Newton and Oliver Platt.
To be honest, I had kinda gotten tired of the disaster movie genre as a whole, and wasn’t really looking forward to 2012 at all. But judging from this trailer, 2012 looks like it could be the first fun disaster film we’ve seen in a long while. Some of the effects-infused scenes just look incredible. I don’t think I’ve been this excited about seeing a disaster film since first witnessing the alien ship blow up the White House in the Independence Day teaser during the Superbowl. Watch the trailer after the jump (we’ve also included the international trailer which features a few different shots) and leave your thoughts in the comments below. What do you think?

The film explores the idea of a global doomsday event coinciding with the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar'scurrent cycle on or around December 21, 2012 (the northern hemisphere's winter solstice).
Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a divorced father who occasionally works as a limousine driver and a writer, while his ex-wife (Amanda Peet) and children live together with her new boyfriend. In Guatemala there is word that hundreds of people have committed suicide believing the 2012 Hypothesis is true and in reaction to this, the IHC (Institute for Human Continuity), a secret organization that realizes the world is going to end, is formed, and starts construction of massive space arks beneath the Himalayan mountains in preparation for the end of the world. The governments of the world give the IHC the task to save the human race when doomsday happens.
When they discover that a global cataclysm caused by the Earth crust displacement will occur faster than expected, they must race to these ships in order to save the human race before all is lost. Los Angeles is completely destroyed by massive earthquakes, Yellowstone Supervolcano erupts, massive earthquakes occur in South America and The Vaticancrumbles into oblivion. As worldwide floodings get worse, the US government declares the end of the world. A group of survivors, including Jackson Curtis and his family fight their way to China before they can board the great arks and save themselves from the gigantic tidal waves sweeping across the Earth.
Director Roland Emmerich and composer-producer Harald Kloser co-wrote a spec script titled 2012, which was marketed to major studios in February 2008. Nearly all studios met with Emmerich and his representatives to hear the director's budget projection and story plans, a process that the director had previously gone through with the filmsIndependence Day (1996) and The Day After Tomorrow (2004).[2] The film was shopped around with a production budget of $200 million.[3] Later that month, Sony Pictures Entertainment won the rights for the spec script, planning to distribute it under Columbia Pictures.[4] The studio planned to make the film for less than the estimated budget.[3]
Filming was originally scheduled to begin in Los Angeles, California, in July 2008,[5] but instead commenced inVancouver in August 2008 and concluded in January 2009.[6] Due to the possible 2008 Screen Actors Guild strike, filmmakers set up a contingency plan for salvaging the film.[7] Sony Pictures Imageworks was hired to create visual effects for 2012.[8] Thomas Wander co-wrote the score with Harald Kloser.
- John Cusack as Jackson Curtis, a science fiction book writer who occasionally works as a limousine driver.[9]
- Chiwetel Ejiofor as Adrian Helmsley, scientific advisor to the President.[10]
- Amanda Peet as Kate, Jackson's ex-wife.[11]
- Oliver Platt as Carl Anheuser, the President's Chief of Staff.[3]
- Thandie Newton as Laura Wilson, the First Daughter.[3]
- Danny Glover as Thomas Wilson, the President of the United States[3]
- Woody Harrelson as Charlie Frost,[12] a man who prophesies the end of the world and is considered crazy by others. Alex Jones has claimed Harrelson told him that Frost's character was based on him.[citation needed] Harrelson compared his character to the mythological Greek figure Cassandra, whose predictions were dismissed.[13]
- Ng Chin Han as Lin Pang, a worker in Tibet.[6]
- Thomas McCarthy as Gordon, Kate's current boyfriend and a plastic surgeon.[14]
- Liam James as Noah Curtis, Jackson and Kate's son.
- Morgan Lily as Lilly Curtis, Jackson and Kate's daughter.[15]
- Zlatko Buric as Yuri.
On November 12, 2008, the studio released the first teaser trailer for 2012 that showed a tsunami surging over the Himalayas and interlaced a purportedly scientific message suggesting that the world would end in 2012, and that the world's governments were not preparing its population for the event. The trailer ended with a message to viewers to "find out the truth" by searching "2012" on search engines. The Guardian criticized the marketing effectiveness as "deeply flawed" and associated it with "websites that make even more spurious claims about 2012".[16]
The studio also launched a viral marketing website operated by the fictional Institute for Human Continuity, where filmgoers could register for a lottery number to be part of a small population that would be rescued from the global destruction.[17] David Morrison of NASA has received over 1000 inquiries from people who thought the website was genuine and has condemned it, saying "I've even had cases of teenagers writing to me saying they are contemplating suicide because they don't want to see the world end. I think when you lie on the internet and scare children in order to make a buck, that is ethically wrong."[18] Another viral marketing website promotes Farewell Atlantis, a fictional suspense novel by the film's lead protagonist, about the events of 2012.[19]
Comcast had also organized a "roadblock campaign" to promote the film, where a two-minute scene from the film was broadcast across 450 American commercial television networks, local English and Spanish language stations, and 89 cable outlets within a 10-minute window between 10:50 PM EDT/PDT and 11:00 PM EDT/PDT on October 1, 2009.[20] The scene featured the destruction of Los Angeles and ended with a cliffhanger, with the entire five-minute-38-second clip made available on Comcast's Fancast web site. The trade newspaper Variety estimated that, "The stunt will put the footage in front of 90% of all households watching ad-supported TV, or nearly 110 million viewers. When combined with online and mobile streams, that could increase to more than 140 million".[20] Sony also plans on replicating this promotion in other regions.[20]
2012 was originally scheduled to be released on July 10, 2009. The release date was changed to November 13, 2009 to move out of the busy summer schedule into a time frame that the studio considered to have more potential for financial success. According to the studio, the film could have been completed for the summer release date, but the date change will give more time to the production.[21] IGN AU panned the film calling it "terrible, wonderfully terrible."
[edit]See also
- ^
- ^ Fleming, Michael (February 19, 2008). "Studios vie for Emmerich's 2012". Variety. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ a b c d e Simmons, Leslie; Borys Kit (June 2, 2008). "Danny Glover circles 2012". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ Fleming, Michael (February 21, 2008). "Sony buys Emmerich's 2012". Variety. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ Siegel, Tatiana (May 19, 2008). "John Cusack set for 2012". Variety. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ a b Frater, Patrick (July 9, 2008). "Chin Han makes date with 2012". Variety. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ "Big Hollywood films shooting despite strike threat". Reuters. August 1, 2008. Retrieved August 5, 2008.
- ^ Giardina, Carolyn (August 13, 2008). "SPI's future includes 2012". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved August 13, 2008.
- ^ Foywonder, The (October 02, 2009). "Five Hilariously Disaster-ffic Minutes of 2012". Dred Central. Retrieved October 02, 2009.
- ^ Simmons, Leslie (May 19, 2008). "John Cusack ponders disaster flick". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ Simmons, Leslie; Borys Kit (June 13, 2008). "Amanda Peet is 2012 lead". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ Rich, Katey (15 July 2008). "Woody Harrelson Trying To Survive Armageddon". Cinema Blend. Retrieved 2009-02-03.
- ^ Adler, Shawn (July 14, 2008). "EXCLUSIVE: Woody Harrelson Joins Roland Emmerich’s World-Ending 2012". MTV Movies Blog (MTV). Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ Kit, Borys (July 1, 2008). "Thomas McCarthy joins 2012". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 14, 2008.
- ^ "Morgan Lily". Variety. August 3, 2008. Retrieved October 29, 2008.
- ^ Pickard, Anna (November 25, 2008). "2012: a cautionary tale about marketing". The Guardian. Retrieved December 10, 2008.
- ^ Billington, Alex (November 15, 2008). "Roland Emmerich's 2012 Viral - Institute for Human Continuity". Retrieved December 10, 2008.
- ^ Connor, Steve (17 October 2009). "Relax, the end isn't nigh". The Independent. Retrieved 2009-10-20.
- ^
- ^ a b c Graser, Mark (September 23, 2009). "Sony readies 'roadblock' for 2012". Variety. Retrieved 2009-09-29.
- ^ DiOrio, Carl (January 20, 2009). 2012 release date pushed back. Retrieved January 20, 2009.
[edit]External links
- Official site and trailer
- 5-minute film scene released by Columbia Pictures
- 2012 at the Internet Movie Database
- 2012 at Allmovie
- The Institute for Human Continuity, a website set up as part of the 2012 movie viral marketing campaign
- This Is The End, another website part of the viral marketing campaign ostensibly set up by Charlie Frost, a fictional character in the film 2012
- Corruption theory, another website part of the viral marketing campaign ostensibly set up by a whistleblower former employee of the Institute for Human Continuity